React Native Installation

React-native is an open-source framework for building mobile apps using Javascript and React. Follow me through my installation process and the major difficulties i faced let's goooo 🔥

If you had previously installed Android Studio and deleted please remember it's data is still located in the root of your system and this Android Sdk will interfere if you reinstall a new Android Studio.The problem i faced was with the Sdk file. This Sdk file was corrupted so i had to delete it and reinstall Android Studio and installed the required tools in Android studio.

I then proceeded to creating the react-native app as in the Documentation When the installation of the react-native was done i then continued by trying to run the app to see and check for errors i used the command. npx react-native run android launches the emulator. It ran with an error saying "The emulator process for AVD Pixel_6_Pro_API_33 has terminated." I solved the error by going to the > more action on the virtual phone and went to > settings then > checked the switch extended ADB Location.

That's a wrap about my installation journey hope it helps you too☺

#react-native #hashnode